Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Try it. Open your mouth, take a big breath and let out a big Yahhh! Ah that feels better now doesn't it? It has been a little hectic, so sorry for the delay in posts.

This past weekend Sam and I went to Kanab. It is a small town that is right on the border of Arizona. Needless to say we weren't prepared for the SNOW that blew in when we got there. We were hoping for mild temps and lots of sunshine.

We were able to explore ancient Anasazi Indian ruins, see vistas that linger only in dreams, trod the road MUCH less traveled by...and regain appreciation for the beauty, diversity and majesty of nature.

I will be posting pics with detailed descriptions as soon as I get my film. This was a much needed trip for us. We don't often get to do things like this together or alone. It is all I can do to get to the bathroom alone! LOL!!! I need more YAHHHs.

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