Saturday, October 6, 2007

Musings about life and stuff

We celebrated Sam's birthday on Tuesday. Oct 2, 1972...a good day.

Sam is offically 'getting older' as he puts it. HA! Whatever...
The kids helped me decorate and hang balloons. I made a home made german chocolate cake, cause that's his favorite! He got a couple small presents and a giant hug from his family.

It is funny how I can't really remember what life was like pre-Sam, pre-kids, pre-such. Perhaps it wasn't all that great...or maybe I am getting older. Whatever it is, life sure is good isn't it? As each year closes I find myself pondering what made the year a success. Without my little would be so empty. Being part of this craziness is more fulfilling than I could have ever dreamed. Even in the tough times, I always know we have each other.

Sam is working too much as usual. I am just balancing everything in between...Sam, kids, school, yoga...dinner, laundry... Riley is doing really well so far this year. It always makes me feel better when I sit in his class and realize that all the kids are goofy. Not JUST him. Katie is finding her niche. She really, really wants to be an artist. And just like the artist soul, she wants her hair curly, straight, long and short, pretty much all at the same time. *ugh*
Ellie is really enjoying school, and friends that come with it. Our phone rang about 4 times last night with her little friends calling. I thought it was cute. Sam didn't. Probably because it was the same little girl. LOL!!!

Things are moving along here. Life doesn't hold still often. Or is it us? We don't hold still long enough to see that life is...what it is!
What we choose to make it. What will YOU choose?

All our love,
Amy and crew

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