Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, a review.

Slow start Thuday.

Really. THUD....

The kids got in late last night after going to a basketball game with Sam.
I read until my eyes drooped shut, and the next thing I was morning.

So we had 30 minutes to get kids out the door. ( eeek ) After all the running I felt drained.
I staggered around, started laundry and took stock of what needed to be done. Laundry for sure!
Things needed to be put back where they belonged. Like shoes, hats, peanut butter. Ya know...

Dishes were done, counters got wiped and I went to exercise. The Main level is tidy, and I can breathe again. It makes me feel so good when things are in their place. Especially shoes! I hate tripping on shoes. Actually, once...I lost a toenail to one of Sam's stray boots. It's a good thing I love him. Because, in that moment...I really wanted to strangle him!!!

Today was multipurpose. I was able to tidy the house, get some reading in, meet my Mom for lunch, and get dinner on the table. All in all a relaxing day. Which is good. We need those sometimes.


Kathy Habel said...

Sounds like a good day.

Melissa said...

Wow, for a slow start it sounds like you accomplished some things. Way to make the most of the day!