Friday, May 7, 2010

This Mothers Day

We love to watch movies.  All the time.  It is family time that we can all cuddle up together.  Laugh, cry and eat popcorn.  Everyone wants to eat popcorn.  Right?  For Mother's day I asked for a clearplay dvd player.  I am sick of my kids hearing and seeing things that a movie doesn't need.  If we don't use those words in our home, why in the world would I let my kids watch it in a movie, or even myself for that matter.  This player allows us to edit content from movies.  Anything that we feel is inapproriate is simply not there.  Language, violence, and you *know* what else...gone.  What is left is a great family movie.  It came UPS today.  And I can't wait to curl up with my family and watch a movie worth watching.  And not have to skip, pause and stand in front of the tv screen.  I think it will be much more enjoyable! 


Jannifer said...

Great idea! I would love one of those. Movies have so many terrible things in them, it would be nice to block some of that out.

Melissa said...

Sounds often. Please report back and tell us how you liked it.

Kathy Habel said...

I LOVE our clearplay! Seriously it's the best investment ever. We're on our 2nd one since we've been using clearplay for 3 or 4 years now. When it was time to renew I bought a 3 year membership since I knew we'd keep using it and it was cheaper that way.