Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Art of Responsibility


Strikes fear into the hearts of Mothers worldwide...

Until....you make the kids wash their own!

So, we had a family meeting on Monday.  We talked about responsibility.  It makes us grow as individuals.  Teaches us to take care of what we have and be grateful for it.  It is time for the kids to be responsible for the clothing, towels, sheets and blankets they string across this home.  We purged the closets to about 5 outfits per child.  ( They wear uniforms to school )  Each was given a basket and their very own color coded towels.  Then each was assigned a laundry day.  To be started by stripping their bed and getting sheets into the wash.  By the time we leave for school they could have 2 loads done.  Which is pretty much all of it when they only have 5 outfits.  I must admit, it has been liberating to donate what they don't/ won't/ can't wear.  We are so spoiled.  The sheer amount of clothes we have donated is a testimony to that.  And when I hear that washer running now...it sounds like music.
Sweet, sweet music.


Melissa said...

Oh my gosh that's so awesome!!!!

Jenny said...

Love it!!