Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanks is thanks...right?

One week later...

Hack, cough, sniffle. Oh the sounds of winter. The joy of the flu. I am sick. Like lay down and sleep, sick. How often do I do that?( Lay down, hold still, etc. ) Yes, so now you understand how dire it is.We actually went without milk or bread for a couple days. Somehow through the delirum of it all I managed to drive to the store and stumble around today

Besides the fever, the burning throat, and chills... I know it will be OK. Riley has a project due this week on Indian culture, habitat and customs. I have encouraged him to work on it, well he is only 10. He has chosen the Shoshone as his medium. Quite interesting. Did you know Susquehanna was Shoshone? She is the Indian who led Lewis and Clark. SHE WAS COOL...Go read about her.

Anyway. Between the project and flu medicine...we are getting ready for a Church Christmas party, Family reunion and oh yeah, I have a concert on Sunday. Geez. We will make it out alive won't we? Naw, really . I love Christmas. I just wish it would SNOW. Hello, that is why I love UTAH. Where is the snow??? Marshmellows just don't cut it. I keep trying that. I throw them around and try to run in them. It isn't the same. They are sticky too. It is darn cold out there though. I think if it is going to be cold it should snow.

Sam took Riley to the BYU-UTAH game Saturday. The rivalry game. BYU won. I was to sick to pretend to be excited. Football's not my thing. Anyway, Sunday morning Sam was late for some meetings at church and hit the truck with the honda. I was to sick to even enjoy it. Usually it is me crashing, misjudging, and just destroying things in general. I did point and laugh. He didn't really appreciate that. I guess it is a good thing that I am sick, otherwise I might be dead.

All the excitement is hard to contain. Kids gone insane over the holidays, Sam crashing the car, me sick on the couch...dreaming of Josh Groban. ( He is singing on the cd, so naturally I would dream about him) He's not even my type! Helloooo.... So where was I? This probably doesn't make alot of sense. I apologize in advance. No animals were hurt or injured in the making of this episode.

I suppose I will just have to give thanks anyway. Really. I am glad I'm sick.
Not really.

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