Saturday, November 24, 2007



For the love!!!
Of food that is...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My parents and my brothers came to our home and celebrated gratitude with us.
A friend of the familyl and his wife came as well, they have no family close...what the heck...the more the merrier right?

I have so many things to be grateful for. Lots of people do a list, or send around a fill it out thing. Not me. Not my style.
I simply try to live each day like it's the last. Maybe that's why the kids at school think I am a cool Mom. Maybe that's why little old women at church squirm when I sit by them. Maybe that's why I love life like no one else I know... There is so much wonder and beauty in this world. In times filled with uncertainty, war and rumors of war...God has given us the greatest gift. Salvation. Man, if that doesn't make you want to live, I don't know what to say. Salvation. That's all I have to say. So, perhaps you should run outside naked. That always works for me. Hee hee. You should see Sam tearing after me. THATS a sight to behold. Lay outside on a cold night wrapped in a blanket and look at the stars. Run through large piles of leaves and scream at the top of your lungs. Drink hot chocolate and scald the hell out of your tounge. Catch snowflakes on your nose. Throw the football IN the house. ( That's always a good one ) Try to understand baseball. Try something new. Read a really good book. Hug your family. Kiss someone you love. A deep passionate kiss, the kind that makes your head spin. Ride down the stairs in a cardboard box...with your kids. Don't give up. Life hasn't given up on you. Enjoy the moment. Savor the present. Eat Indian food. Go to the ocean in the dead of winter. Smell salt in the air. Ponder life's mysteries. Ponder life's wonders. Ponder life.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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