Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life is crazy, then it throws rocks!

This year has been a real doozy for us.

I keep waiting for it to get different, not better...just different.
So much for that!

My Grandpa, ( whom we call Big Daddy ), was diagnosed with cancer last week.
Not being able to get clear information from the family in Louisiana... I will be flying down in about a week. To find out what is going on, and what I can do to help.

All in all it is ever the same here. School, piano, violin, yoga, blah, blah, blah.
Laundry, dinner, dishes, mopping, blah, blah, blah. So at least there is one constant!

Steadily the holiday season is approaching. Honestly, I am looking forward to it. I love the holidays! It will be an interesting one with Sam's mom gone... with so much of the focus around his family the last 5 years, it will be different to have small, simple holidays around here.

By small and simple things, great things come to pass...

So, I am throwing some rocks back at life.
When the going gets tough, I get violent.
Ha, ha!


Britten said...

You go, girl! Throw those rocks...and while you're at it, throw some for me too.

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. =( You have had more than your share of icky happen to you this year. You're in my thoughts, hon.

Kathy Habel said...

Can I throw some rocks too? We could have a lot of fun together!