A couple of Saturdays ago...
We decided to take off, and see where the Pony Express trail came through Utah. In a very round about out of the way adventure!!! A lunch was packed, hot cocoa in a thermos and kids nestled into the car. And off we went.
Sam knows where all these really random kind of things are. So we drove through a little town called Eureka, which oddly enough, almost became the capitol of Utah...but it is a dead mining town. Seriously, it makes you sad just to drive through. You can feel the weight of broken dreams.
Then we took a right toward the Nevada border and drove FOREVER. ( um, really. ) We came to the pony express marker and took pictures. And were prompted to follow a little dirt road. *Note to self* Usually little dirt roads turn into really looooooooooong detours to the same place you were TRYING to get to...* So along the way we found a pet cemetery, really...really creepy.
Simpson Springs and the old Pony Express Bunkhouse, had a picnic and ended up way the freaking heck in the middle of no where! There were antelope and rabbits...oh and the occasional sheepherder. LOL!!!
Well, we ended up on Desert Mountain. A place Sam used to go as a kid. There is an old mine and tons of cool rocks! Ellie took off like a mountain goat and had the mountain climbed so fast it literally scared me. Sam took off chasing her, which left me and poor Katie stumbling after them. Katie has issues with heights...and I just have issues!!! Well at the top the view was phenomenal. The world is so stunning. Even in the desert. We took lots of pictures, found an old abandoned granite quarry, picked a rock for Sam's Mom's grave site...and had a lot of fun.
Sam was able to tell us all sorts of stories from when he was a kid, we all learned alot, and best of all...we were all together. On a Saturday. Doing anything but chores!!!
Oh Amy! How fun. I love days like this. Here is a fun bit of trivia... I grew up on part of the Pony Express Trail. Seriously, that was even the name of the street. :) Every year they have a reenactment and a rider comes thru. You can even get a special post mark and have your mail carried by a Pony Express Rider. I can get one for you next year if you like. I've got skilz and connections! LOL
That sounds like that was such a wonderful trip. It's so fun doing trips like that and just being together as a family!
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