Sunday, January 4, 2009

Savor it Sunday

The New Year means a new schedule.
Church started at 1pm. *YAY*

We actually got to sleep in, a bit.

One goal I have for our family this year is to actually sit down TOGETHER and eat breakfast each Sunday morning. Sunday is just about the only day of the week Sam is home for breakfast!

We had homemade whole wheat pancakes with raspberry syrup. YUM!!!
We had a wonderful sit down, yummy eating, goal setting breakfast.
It was awesome. We are going to read the BOM together as a family this year.
Find a way to serve someone each month, and help make a meal once a week.
We already rotate chores, but man...could I use a hand in the kitchen... and I
think it is important the kids see how much goes into making a healthy wholesome meal.
( Maybe then they will eat it too!!! )

So, today. I mostly savored being with my family. My favorite guy...and curling up on the couch for a laid back, yummy Sunday.


Melissa said...

Yay! What a great morning! I didn't think about the hub being home for breakfast on Sunday--maybe because I usually take that morning off and let him make breakfast for the kids. I guess I shouldn't be such a slacker! We're doing goals and getting schedules organized tomorrow night for Family Night. I can't wait! This will be the first year we include the girls' ideas for our families goals and I can't wait to see what they come up with! Have a great week! Way to savor the day today!

Britten said...

Way to go Amy! I just got caught up on your blog and you are doing so well with your goals and your house and such. Keep it up! I love you!

Kathy Habel said...

We're 9:30 now and Brian has meetings at 8 so it is the one morning we don't eat breakfast together.