Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Random things about me...

25 Really random things about me

1. Ever wish you could fly? I do, all the time
2. Currently my husband is teaching all of our kids gun safety. It freaks me out a little.
3. Said husband hauled 4 elk off the side of a mountain using ropes and his brothers...and that is what they do for fun. Weird. I know...
4. It's funny in yoga class to ask people to raise their hands in a posture if they like it...when their hand is already up. Seriously!
5. Life is too short.
6. The seasons are the best thing ever! All four. I can't pick a favorite and Sam teases me all the time!!!
7. I would rather be on the beach.
8. I would rather be skiing.
9. It has always been a dream of mine to throw pottery...not swear at it.
10. I swear too often...*blush*
11. I like the calm before the storm...before all hell breaks is eerie and I am weird like that.
12. Warm rain is the best.
13. Sam lets me put my cold feet on his legs at night, cause he loves me. And wants my feet warm.
14. My Dad lives in Florida...we went almost 15 years without speaking once.
15. Sam's Mom had cancer. She died. But she was the bravest person I have ever known.
16. Courage doesn't come from a person. It comes from the actions of that person.
17. IKEA is super cool.
18. I love to take pictures. Lots of pictures. Especially faces.
19. Eyes really are the windows to the soul.
20. I like my freckles.
21. Sam was my best friend first.
22. I like to paint rocks when we go on vacation, and set them back by the river...then imagine peoples faces when they find them.
23. My kids make me laugh every day.
24. I have always wanted hair so black it looked blue.
25. My life isn't what I dreamed of...and I am ok with that.


Melissa said...

My favorite is #22 about the rocks. My kids would love finding rocks like that when we're camping!

heather said...

I love that Sam was your best friend first and that you are not in any way afraid of who you are. You really need to be a writer.