Wednesday, February 4, 2009

~Epic Fail~

That was yesterday.


Seriously, what happened???

I fell off hard and long. It all started when I met my Mom for lunch. It seems that my control is WAAAAy better when I am home and in the zone. It all started out simple enough. A HUGE salad, followed by kettle roast, 2 small sliced potatoes and a couple of carrot wedges. Then a small scone. I tried to tell are full. It's ok. Psh. Right. Then I had a plate of pull apart cinnamon bread.

When I got home, hours later...I was still full. I got to thinking perhaps I haven't been eating enough. And maybe that is what is wrong...well. Then I thought some more about how I had already blown the sugar and white flour points off the roof...and ate more garbage. By admitting it here...I being responsible for my actions. I tried one of every little debbie snack we had in the cupboard. The ones I NEVER eat because they are for the kids' lunch. *facepalm* Seriously, I am so embarassed. How could I do that? To myself? To my kids...I kept telling myself it was ok, because I was sharing with them. For every pack I opened I handed one of them the other piece. Great! What does that teach them. Hey, Mom, how many of those are you going to eat? Oh, if she does it like that...I can't WAIT to grow up!!!

I was naughty. And I am paying for it. My back hurts so bad today and I am a grump bucket. Sugar does that to me every time. How could I forget??? After almost 3 weeks of near perfection, how COULD I forget!

I am very disappointed in myself. However, yesterday is over. The slate is clean. And a new day is stretched before me. Here goes nothing!

To a new day!
bring it


Kathy Habel said...

I've had a couple days like that before. Be extra good today and it will balance out!

Melissa said...

You sound pretty normal to me. I would have done the same thing, so I hope that means we're normal. I'm glad you are getting back on the wagon today. One day off is good enough. Plus you don't need to beat yourself up over another day. You'll have yesterday to remember for a bit and that will help you stay on track. You know you are better than that! Hang in there!