Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The morning after...

Morning has broken...

It was an interesting night. Poor Sam doesn't fare so well with all the medications. From anethesia to the local block in his neck, and the prescriptons he was sent home with. The poor thing was throwing up a portion of the night. I got up with him three times that I can remember. The rest is a blur. Changing Ice packs, making sure he had water and crackers, and was taking his medicine on time...kinda all mixes together. ( Like having a new baby! )

Morning came nonetheless. And we are ok. He is resting really well this morning. And I am getting some much needed house work done. I am so thankful that I can be here to take care of him. Without the stress of worrying about a job, days off and that kind of stuff. It really is a blessing. To be here when my family needs me. Although, I must admit that being a mostly SAHM is harder than I ever imagined it would be.

So, for today...I am sending a shout out to all the Mom's out there.

You are making a difference. You are the glue that holds it all together. You are beautiful!


Kathy Habel said...

You are such a wonderful spouse. Sam's lucky to have you!

heather said...

I hope he is doing okay...shoulder syrgery is no fun! I know a good physical therapist (my hubby) if you need one.

Melissa said...

Your hub is fortunate to have you! Take care of yourself too, Amy. You know what they say about being on a plane and putting your oxygen mask first before you put the kids' on. You can't help anyone else if you pass out! Be good to yourself while you're being good to everyone else! *hugs*

Katie said...

You are so amazing Amy. I'm glad Sam's doing better!!!

Amie and Karl said...

You are so amazing Amy How is he doing now sorry trying to catch up on my blogs I hope Sam is doing better how are you?

Unknown said...

Hope that things have continued to improve! {{hugs}}
