Monday, March 23, 2009

More random kid facts

Yesterday, I sat down to watch Faust. The opera. Yup. I said opera. *yikes* It was okay...I had forgotten how sappy opera can be!!! The girls were transfixed, simply mesmerized. It was actually kind of funny.

So, Ellie is trying her hardest to read subtitles and figure out what language they were singing in. After many assurances that it was NOT Spanish, the common 2nd language here...she looked at me and said. "Hmph. Are they speaking Opera?!?" By this point she was really confused. It took some time to explain to her that many different kinds of people live in this world. And many of them have their very own way of speaking. Just like us. Well, just like her!

Faust is sung in Italian. And really is a beautiful sappy love story. Of love redeemed. Love relived and the joy of love. The final scene is full of angels, choirs of angels...and of Margeruite ascending to heaven. It was fun to watch the girls' eyes as they watched...and asked LOTS of questions about heaven and if you really have to climb a ladder! LOL!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

How cute! If you are here anywhere around June 19, you'll have to come to my concert. You would love it!