Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pictures of the work in progress...

Close up of the texture...ala Amy!

What will be the big screen.

Shelves. Sort of.

The main room.

Partially done ceiling tiles...and recessed lighting.

Riley's closet and bathroom door...

Riley's room!

Looking out of his door into the main room.

The ceiling...

Built in entertainment system...that got soaked, and survived!

All the wood we need to stain...blech.

Sam's clothes. Yes, he strips on the stairs and uses the same ones for a few days.
Boys are really weird!

What the kids do while we work.
Yes, they are eating watching movies upstairs!
Ah. That is the life.

The basement.

Ugh. We have been working on it since right before Christmas.
Wiring, Lighting, Sound systems, projector.
Sheetrock, mud, texture, paint, paint some more.
Vacuum, sweep...vacuum, sweep.

More sheetrock, more mud, *shivers* sanding.
Sanding, sanding, sanding.
Texture, knock down. Sanding, sanding, sanding.

Vacuum, sweep.

Get the picture?
Well here are a few to chew on!


Kathy Habel said...

can't wait to see it

Melissa said...

Some day it's gonna be worth it, right? How exciting to be getting it done!

Mary Ann said...

You are superwoman! Can't wait to watch Twilight in that basement. You're going to love it when it's done.