Saturday, May 16, 2009

Super duper Saturday

So far, so good!!!

I did P90X legs and back and ran 30 min intervals this morning. Whoo~Hoo!!!
that gives me a grand total of 90 minutes of movement already!

Had a healthy breakfast and a healthy lunch.
Now for healthy snacks and a very light dinner...

Today is fun filled activities such as: work in the basement, spray the weeds, pull other weeds, finish a state report with Riley, plant some flowers, and run to town to get the rest of what we need for all stated above. *sigh*

Saturdays really are super!
(and make me look forward to Sunday!)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I wish Sundays were more relaxing! I love early church when you can come home and chill out. Now we start at one, and by the time we're home, it's dinner and bed. Oh well, I should probably enjoy the sleeping in while we can! :D