Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday

Tuesday always begins with the rest of the laundry. *yikes*

And in lieu of Menu Monday, drum roll please....Tuesday has become my errand day. For shopping and what not. So with my menu will be a list. Of everything we need. No more, DOH trips all the way to Payson because I forgot!

The Lord has counseled us to have a house of order. That we may have peace...I think grocery shopping has something to do with that...don't you??? It will be a wonderful thing to have all that I need to make and prepare healthy meals right at my fingertips. No more sweating in front of the fridge praying that everything I need will somehow miraculously appear!!!

Hopefully as I make conscience meals, our budget will be met more approprietly. With cut backs this year we have tried to be careful. And now that I can plan ahead and save all the extra trips and guilt purchases... well, I think we are on the right track.

So once again, I am in awe and gratitude to Kathy. She is such an inspiration to me. In more ways than I could possibly list here!!! THANK YOU KATHY!!!!

Hope you all have a beautiful, healthy, HAPPY DAY!!!!


Melissa said...

Good for you! I don't have a regular grocery day and I need to have one! Right now, getting in all my exercise is taking up so much time! Ahhhh!

Britten said...

I've been planning our meals ahead of time too and it has made so much of a difference. We eat out a LOT less.

Keep on keeping on!! ♥