Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I love Wednesdays!

And thankfully, I am starting to feel like myself again... I have had a cold. Now I am feeling better, have been watching what I eat and working out like crazy.

Many of you know that I am going to Florida. Not for the typical vacation style Florida... To see my Dad. To hang out with my kids. And offer part of my heart to the Gulf of Mexico. Isn't it funny how parts of the world just call to you? Then they scream? Well, that would be me and water. Especially large endless bodies of turquoise stretched beneath my feet...soft sand, sunshine and a breeze. If you could paint me in a picture that is what it would be. Free and endless.

I ran 5 miles this morning, and haven't felt this good in so long. It makes me wonder why I ever stopped running. Really. Why? I don't know. When Sam's Mom died last year... I lost all desire for a time. Desire to live, to dream. Slowly it is creeping back into my life. Breath by breath... moment by moment. The realization that life doesn't stop. Life, like the ocean is endless. There is no end. Only doorways.

I am standing on the brink of a new day. May I grasp onto it with all my might, and live.

Live. Laugh. Love.


Kathy Habel said...

:-) Hooray for feeling great!

Melissa said...

5 miles is awesome! Way to go! Glad you're feeling better. Have a great time with your dad and your kids. I really enjoy the way you write. :D

Katie said...

You are awesome and amazing! I love how you write. It's like it's apart of you. Your writing is so moving and poetic. I think it's a great talent.

I totally know what you mean about places screaming out to you. The NW does that for me. Maybe it has to do w/ the fact that I was born and raised there and that will always be home to me. Some places will stay with us and become a part of us.

I hope you have a great time w/ you Dad. I know daily memories will be made