Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Waffle House Heaven

Waffles in the south just taste better. I don't know why, but I do have my theories...
It could be because Waffle House is a haven for waffle lovers. It could be the luve that goes into those waffles. It could be the flour? I dunno... but Waffles are divine. Circles of warm, syrupy goodness. Filling my soul.



Mary Ann said...

I think it's the southern accent with which they are served. :-)

Kathy Habel said...

Sounds yummy! Much better than my bowl of oatmeal this morning.

Melissa said...

Ha, ha! I just went and bought fiber cereal tonight because all that's planned here is donuts and pancakes. I won't fit in my clothes if I eat those, but truly, it's because they're not that tempting either. I'm glad the waffles are on another coast altogether or I'd be done for. I LOVE yummy waffles!