Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer Canyon Hike

Summertime at it's best...
Up the canyon, it is a bit cooler.
The water is cold and clear.

The beauty of this hike is the river.
It must be crossed multiple times to stay on the trail.
Nothing feels better on a hot summer day...
than crossing a cold mountain stream!

Along the way we saw butterflies, wildflowers, and some Moo-bears. (cows)
From Indian red dirt, to rock strewn streams...and giant caverns carved by nature.
We had lunch on a log with our bare feet in the stream...
explored caves and old maps carved into trees...
laughed, ran, teased and threw 'bullets' at each other. ( flower heads...dangerous, I know.)

Got a little sun and a lot of fun...
All for free.
In God's country.

Love it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Home and settling back into the saddle...

Well, life is a bowl of cherries...right?

After being gone for a couple of weeks it takes a girl a few days to get back into the swing of things again. Although it is great to be home, my heart still misses 'home'.  I love where I am.  Where life has brought me.  That I was able to spread my wings and fly...however...with that independence and the dreams of a naive young woman...much was left behind.  Only now I have the wisdom to see it.  There is no way I could ever live in the south again.  It is far too depressing.  Yet, the moss covered trees and hills blanketed in mists speak to my heart in a way even I don't understand.  In my heart it is still home.  Where things are a lot slower.  People speak a little softer and hold a door open.  Sure there are issues and problems.  That can be found anywhere.  But where I came from... it is almost like time stood still.  People say please, thank you and M'am and Sir.  And though it may be years since I have been there...someone still knows who I am.  A small wave in the store.  A childhood friends tears.  A face that lights up when you walk through the door.  Such simple things.  They make life worth living.

Here in the Rocky Mountains...nearly two thousand miles away...may I live worthy to have the heart of a southerner.  May I speak a little softer and hold a door for a stranger.  Say yes sir and yes m'am...even if people look at me funny. ( that happens a lot anyway! )  May my heart stay soft and pliable.  Open and forgiving.  Yes, my heart is southern.  Through and through.

My soul belongs to the mountains.  I could never leave here.  My soul sings at the sheer beauty of this place.  There is nothing like it.

So, now you know a little about my heart and soul.  And you thought it was all guts and glory...
That is for another day!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Crazy Summer Blues

Well it has been a crazy summer so far.
Good, crazy and blue.
All at once!

June brought baseball games, warm summer rain and kids home from school.
As the ball games wound down and the afternoon thunderstorms began to roll across the sky...
I got a phone call...from my Dad.  On a sunny bright Sunday he called to tell me that 
Dot, my beloved Grandmother was very sick.  After a heartfelt conversation, some prayers on my knees,
I packed a suitcase and bought a one way ticket to  Louisiana.
My heart whispered to me a one way ticket would do.
Sam would come get me when all was said and done.

I flew in to a sticky hot welcome.  Rented a car and drove to my Grandad's. 
I had no plans, other than to help and love.
Dot helped me to better understand how to love.
What love reallly is...
And to never, ever stop loving someone.
No matter what.

So, Love flew into town, and wrapped her arms around her family.
That love was me.  That love was freely given.  A gift.
As I look back across my life, it was far from perfect.
But love was part of it.  
As I have grown and looked back across the expanse of years...
the realization that love started it all has been a surprise to me.
A welcome one...

And in return that love multiplied.
As I held Dot in my arms and cried.
As I stroked her hair and hot tears streamed down my face.
As I thanked her for her gift of love to me.
And gently told her I would see her soon...
and never, ever forget how much 
                means to me.

I suppose Love is what lingers...
                 when the body becomes a shell
and the soul is set free.

Maybe that is why she waltzed into heaven on July 4th...
to claim Independence...
      and embrace love

And this Love...(me) 
is left behind
                     to live
                               to laugh
and most of all....
to love.

See you soon Dot...
I can't wait!