Friday, July 16, 2010

Home and settling back into the saddle...

Well, life is a bowl of cherries...right?

After being gone for a couple of weeks it takes a girl a few days to get back into the swing of things again. Although it is great to be home, my heart still misses 'home'.  I love where I am.  Where life has brought me.  That I was able to spread my wings and fly...however...with that independence and the dreams of a naive young woman...much was left behind.  Only now I have the wisdom to see it.  There is no way I could ever live in the south again.  It is far too depressing.  Yet, the moss covered trees and hills blanketed in mists speak to my heart in a way even I don't understand.  In my heart it is still home.  Where things are a lot slower.  People speak a little softer and hold a door open.  Sure there are issues and problems.  That can be found anywhere.  But where I came from... it is almost like time stood still.  People say please, thank you and M'am and Sir.  And though it may be years since I have been there...someone still knows who I am.  A small wave in the store.  A childhood friends tears.  A face that lights up when you walk through the door.  Such simple things.  They make life worth living.

Here in the Rocky Mountains...nearly two thousand miles away...may I live worthy to have the heart of a southerner.  May I speak a little softer and hold a door for a stranger.  Say yes sir and yes m'am...even if people look at me funny. ( that happens a lot anyway! )  May my heart stay soft and pliable.  Open and forgiving.  Yes, my heart is southern.  Through and through.

My soul belongs to the mountains.  I could never leave here.  My soul sings at the sheer beauty of this place.  There is nothing like it.

So, now you know a little about my heart and soul.  And you thought it was all guts and glory...
That is for another day!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

My Daddy was born and raised in Birmingham, AL. I totally know what you mean. I am going to miss his manners when he's gone. He holds my door open and carries in my groceries for me and always, always uses his manners. I love it. I visited once and found it very friendly there. Everyone said hello. None of this passing on the street and looking the other way. We could all learn a lot from the Southern way of life. :D Glad you're back. xoxo