Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A new school year

Tomorrow is a big day!  The first day of school for the 2011-2012 school year.  The kids are fluctuating between excitement and disappointment.  It is tough for us to get up early and get out the door.  We are all night owls by nature...  Yet, the lure of books, friends and lockers seem to make it more promising!  Riley and Katie will both be in Jr. High this year.  Which means more extracurricular activities and money and time.  Riley is playing football again and loving it!  Katie is the proud owner of a new cello!  Ellie is going into 4th grade and is looking forward to spending time doing more math.  (weird, I know...but that kid LOVES math)

Three fully loaded backpacks are sitting by the door.  Three lunches are packed with love and care.  Three kiddos are tucked safely in bed with dreams of schoolbooks dancing in their head...


Melissa said...

Wow. Two jr. high kids? A new cello? And a math lover?? You guys are too cute. I'm sure you are well-prepared and everyone (including you) will have a great year. Keep me posted on progress. We're having huge school issues here. I'll probably blog soon. Have a great first day!!! xoxo

Kathy Habel said...

Where did the summer go. Thought of you as I drove through Santaquin last month. Wish we could have stopped. Hope there first day went well.

Brittany Miller said...

Hey! How are ya? Sounds great! I LOVE this time of year. School is in and soon the neighborhood will be quieter :)

I need to come visit you with my little man :)

Andie~ said...

I'm sorry, but those sweet little kids are not old enough to be in Jr. High. I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!