Monday, January 26, 2009

Plyometrics ROCK!

Maintain it Monday is underway...

Laundry is going, Beds are stripped, bathrooms are scrubbed and the kitchen is swept. There are still things to be done...and they are going.

My workout this morning was amazing. Plyometrics. What you ask??? Jump training. Ah. Yes, the kind where your feet leave the floor, you sweat like a piggy and gasp for air. Is it strange that I like it...? It feels good to take some time for myself. To make my body strong.

Now I will spend a little down time reading my scriptures to nourish my soul. Body and soul...yes?
A really, really good thing.

Have a happy Monday!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow Amy! You made the most of your morning! I need to work in that scripture time for myself. It's sorely missing at the moment. Sounds like you had a good day!