Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tackle it Tuesday

Tackle it Tuesday blew in quite cold this morning. We got alot of snow and it cleared up this morning, and guess what I saw. THE SUN. I know, can you believe it???!? After the last couple of days watching the kids slide down the driveway on the ice, on their bottoms...it was nice to have the snow. But having the sun come out. Oh. Glory!

Today was a little hectic. Just getting from one thing to the next. But today's mission is...the dreaded basement. It is a disaster. Sam decided over Christmas to start finishing it. Which will probably take just shy of 20 years. Ha, ha. Between the drills, screws, odd pieces of sheetrock, toys, books, dust and other various unknowns...It has been decided to get down there and tidy it up. Eeek. The way it looks, it may take me 20 years to clean it up!

Hope life is good wherever you are.


Kathy Habel said...

I was in the basement today too!

Melissa said...

Ha, ha. There's always that show on HGTv called "In Over Your Head" or something like that. Eric Stromer and team come out and finish your project for you. The wife gets sent to the spa for the day while the hub helps the team. You could do a spa day, right?

No snow here but chilly winds. We're in for another heat wave. The weather is giving me whiplash. I wish it would make up it's mind to be winter.