Monday, March 9, 2009

Dreams fulfilled?

Have you ever wondered if trials bring about change? If they shape and define who you are becoming? Ever wondered if they will stop?

As I look around me, I see many families struggling. Multi-layered trials have buried them beneath waves of frustration and grief. It has been no different for us. So much has happened in the last year...I can hardly believe it. I feel like a different person. On the verge of change.

Sam' s work will pay for schooling. Any schooling he would like to do. Sam, however hates school. Always has. I am encouraging him to work less, go on vacation and get back into school. It means less money. After mandatory pay cuts at his job, we already ARE making less money. So what difference does it make. I hope he will do it. He can grow and learn...get paid to do it...and Carrier will pay for it. What does he have to lose? *scratching my head* I would jump.

Speaking of which. I filled out an application for college today. I wonder if it will feel weird to be 35 yo starving college students? There were many things that got in the way of my degree. Life, marriage, know the story. You are probably living it too! Well. I am ready to take that plunge and finish. It will only take a year...if that. The music part will only take a semester. Then I am hoping to get a substitute teaching certificate and make use of myself. I am sick to death of laying around feeling sorry for myself because I don't have any skills. Seriously. Um, I can sing. Ooooo. Great. What do you sing? Um, Opera. *running* Yeah. So, I can sing. But am I making a difference in someone's life? Am I living to my potential?

I don't know. So, the search begins. I have to try. And I have waited nearly 15 years to finish my education.

Isn't it about time?


Katie said...

You are so amazing!! Your posts always up lift me. I'll be 31 and in college **I hope** I didn't finish my degree and it kills me each day that I didn't. I want to go back and get it done as well. I hope things work out for Sam to go to school. I wish you all the best when getting back into school. That's the great thing about college, no matter you're age you can always go back and get your degree.

Melissa said...

Good for you! One year is nothing in the scheme of things! Way to go taking control! You are awesome!

Kathy Habel said...

Yeah! Go for it Amy! You can do it!

heather said...

That is so awesome that you filed out an application for school. Can I come to class with you? It will be so much fun. You Go !!!

heather said...

I would love for you to walk with us! You can join our team online and I hope you would be so fun to have more peeps!