Monday, March 30, 2009

What's a girl to do???

It snowed yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Well, okay...I could. This is Spring in Utah at it's best!!!
We took the girls skiing on Friday. They both had all A's on their report cards. Hooray!!!

The day was absolutely perfect! The sun was shining. The sky was blue...the snow was really good for spring skiing. We all got sunburned and happy. Shared sandwiches and cookies at the cafe. Then we skied until we could no longer walk.

Katie is Miss careful. Making perfect S's down the slope. Ellie with her mix of Sam and the little daredevil. Racing, jumping...flying. *Yikes* Whatever will we do with her??? Sam spent some time on black diamond runs. We gals stuck to blue runs. They have enough umph for us!

Most of all, we all held hands. Laughed on the lift, and threw snow at each other.
What a good day.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ah, those days are the best! The joy is confirmation that you are spending your time devoted to the right activities for the right reasons! Yay for you and your family!