Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well, it is officially Official.

I am a 35 year old college student.

Ironically, starting off where I began. Many moons ago. Wait, that is a different story! LOL!!!

After several years of studying voice, as a young views shifted. About a year and a half shy of my degree...I did what many young stupid immature naive college students do...I changed my major. There were many good reasons and intentions behind it. However, how odd.
That after all this time, nearly 13 years, I would find myself right where I started!

Today is a special day for me. Nope. Not because it is Wednesday. Not because it is the first day of Spring break. And not even because it is STILL raining. I registered for College today. And slowly but surely, I hope to finish my Music Degree. It has been waiting for my return. Not a day has passed that I haven't thought or dreamed about finishing.

It has been a long time. And technically, I am a freshman. All over again. Blah! So rally up some support for me!!! I am nervous and excited and lots of other things that you already know about. ( crazy ) It is time. For me to do this. What the Lord intended me to do. Teach music. From my heart. To theirs. To the world.

Bring it.


Brittany Miller said...

Congrats!! Im so happy for you. You will be an awsome teacher!

Melissa said...

Oh Yay! That is so awesome! You will be soooooo happy! When we get together, we need to do some karaoke girl! I want to hear you sing!

Kathy Habel said...

You go girl! You'll fit right in with all those freshman!