Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Tuesday!

Tackle it Tuesday...to be exact!

What really needs to be tackled in this house is my workout room. As we have been finishing the basement, that room became ground zero for every and anything that needed to be be moved, dropped or dumped. Not to mention the thick layer of sheet rock dust that has permeated every inch of it! That is my most important goal. After my workout...of course!

Then to dust, sweep and mop. The laundry was tackled yesterday. Perhaps Mondays should be lovingly called Mt. Washmore Monday!

Today is the track meet for Katie's class. So, I am off and running!!!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oooo. A work out ROOM. That would be fun. And I LOVE Mt. Washmore!