Lets just say that the weekend was wild. In a word, anyway. Yes, dear reader, I know it is always wild at our house. However as school days wane and summer nears, the children revert into caveman type creatures. Filling their lungs with cries of freedom...
And their dear Mama's head with aching.
Speaking of aches. Ry the man got stitches Saturday night. He was petting the neighbor dog. ( Our uber-cool drunk cowboy neighbor 's dog ) When the dog just
RAWER!!!! Snapped a chunk out of the little man's leg. Said little man screamed like a girl and hauled his little hind end home. We poured about a bottle of good ole hydrogen peroxide on it and packed up for the hospital. We passed an ambulance on our way there...the thought crossed my mind that it could be a long night.
Long night indeed. Holy hanna banana!!! We were about 30 minutes into checking the boy in when a code blue was called. Now I don't have the foggiest idea what code blue means...but the whole ER came to a standstill. Pretty soon people were coming in crying, big people, little people. All red faced, all very very sad. At one point a young woman stood in front of the large locked doors crying..." I want my daddy!, I just want my Daddy..." As she began to collapse in front of the doors, I thought to myself, what is wrong with these people. I ran over and scooped her up in my arms and held her as tight as I could. She was taller than me, most people are...but the mother inside me was holding her...I touched her hair, I rubbed her back...I whispered words of love and kindness to her. So strange. So utterly real. So present.
Needless to say her Dad did not make it. I am not sure that he was even alive at the hospital. I can tell you to see an entire family come in and out for several hours is very enlightening. I found myself pondering my own life. The choices, the love, and what I would leave behind. I saw that nothing, NOTHING matters so much as your family. They are the most precious asset we have on this earth. Love them, even when it is hard. Love, love, love. I hope that Love is what I leave behind. Love, and laughter. Joy and kindness. Peace and gentleness. I know that I make mistakes, but I am trying to do my best each and every day. It is just amazing to me that one moment can make all the difference.
It is ironic that at the conclusion of my class that morning, that I urged the students to be mindful of the present. To live for today. Every day is a gift...that is why it is called the present. So to you dear reader, Hold the present tightly. It is sooooo small. It may be fleeting, or it may linger. Whatever it may be hold onto it.
Back to the boy. He got 6 stitches. He was pretty darn brave considering he had to get numbed twice!!! He gave out a yelp and Sam fussed at him to be brave. I fussed at Sam and told him that Ry could make noise if he wanted too...it HURTS!!! Ry leans over and says... " What do you expect Dad?... I'm only in third grade!" I laughed until my stomach hurt. Only Ry could say it that way. And it was the truth.
Until next time...
Dear Reader...
Live Like there is No tomorrow
Love like you have never been hurt
Sing like there is no one listening
And Dance...dance like no one is watching.
I hope you Dance.