Last week it snowed. Today it was 80+ degrees outside. Now it is windy and the clouds are rolling back in. Geez. Can spring make up it's mind yet???
We are still in recovery mode from Spring Break. How can it be a break if I am still exhausted?
The last couple of days have been rough.
My Grandpa, whom we call... Big Daddy, is in critical care in an ICU in Louisiana. When he came out last year for my brother's wedding...he was sick. I ended up rushing him to the hospital. He couldn't eat. He couldn't swallow. And I know he was in pain. Well, he had a tumor in his esophagus. Such a big one they couldn't even operate on it until after chemo and radiation. And though it was futile...I begged him NOT to have surgery. Alas to no avail. His last round of chemo was about a month ago. He had surgery this past Monday. And hasn't woke up since. He coded. Had multiple system failure. And is now on a ventilator, dialysis, and his lungs are filling with fluid. Prognosis? Not good. Not good at all.
It is hard to take because he was in such good health before all of this. And full of life and pep. He always calls me his little smiley girl. The singing Amy girl. Followed by a laugh. When I was small he would scratch my back was the best! He always looked on the bright side...
Needless to say, with the rain on it's way. It might as well pour.